Business InsuranceLiving the Good LifeMost PopularPersonal Insurance Giving Back with Shine We ALL care about our community. We want EVERYONE to SHINE ON! Through Giving Back, we support 3 local organizations…Shine InsuranceJanuary 9, 2017
Most Popular The 3 Parts of Your Monthly Mortgage Payment The first time you get an extra bill from your mortgage company because of a shortfall, you might feel confused.…Shine InsuranceJune 24, 2016
Most PopularPersonal Insurance Insurance Commercial Fails: “We solve a claim in one phone call” Sometimes commercials stretch the truth. Other times they just outright ignore any possibility of even grazing the surface of something…Shine InsuranceDecember 15, 2015
Business InsuranceLiving the Good LifeMost PopularPersonal Insurance Giving Back 2015 We care about our clients and our community. We want EVERYONE to SHINE ON! So we invented the Giving Back…Shine InsuranceJanuary 15, 2015
Living the Good LifeMost Popular We’re having an Open House Shine Insurance Agency Open House Join us for a laid back evening Wednesday October 15, 2014 5-7pm Shine Insurance Agency…Shine InsuranceOctober 13, 2014
Business InsuranceLiving the Good LifeMost Popular Why Would Anyone Want to be an Insurance Agent? McKenzie May Goodrich, Business Insurance Agent and Co-Owner Shine Insurance Agency Get a glimpse of the inner workings of your…Shine InsuranceMarch 10, 2014
Business InsuranceLiving the Good LifeMost PopularPersonal Insurance Giving Back We care about our clients and our community. We want EVERYONE to SHINE ON! Each year, we choose 3 deserving…Shine InsuranceMarch 3, 2014
Business InsuranceMost PopularPersonal Insurance 13 Ways To Stay Warm in Extreme Cold We are experiencing the coldest weather we have faced in over 20 years Sunday night through Tuesday night, wind chill…Shine InsuranceJanuary 6, 2014
Living the Good LifeMost Popular Work + Life = BALANCE Balance is possible, my people. It just is. And it's mostly in your head and your heart. Last night I spoke to…Shine InsuranceNovember 14, 2013
Auto InsuranceBusiness InsuranceHome InsuranceLife InsuranceMost PopularPersonal Insurance Why Shine? House to Home Radio Show The good people at Monroe County Building Association asked us to share what insurance means to us. Take a few…Shine InsuranceOctober 6, 2013