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Work + Life = BALANCE

By November 14, 2013February 4th, 2025No Comments

Balance is possible, my people.

It just is. And it’s mostly in your head and your heart.

Last night I spoke to a group of lovely, attentive people who gave me so much love while I stood at the front of the room and talked.

It was exhilarating.

I don’t want the conversation to be over!

So I am sharing the presentation HERE

And spreading the love I practice every day by connecting you to some of my favorite resources, mentioned in my talk last night:

Kris Carr, who teaches me to put health, spiritual wealth, and happiness first. And who reminds me to keep perspective.

The Daily Docket, which I use to keep organized each day and week. On Sunday evenings,  I set up the next 5 Daily Dockets and clip them onto my clipoard (yeah, the old fashioned kind). I use them as my daily guides.

You can grab the notes from my talk here.

Please share the love and pass this page to your friends.


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