Shine Insurance Bloomington Indiana

Shine Insurance Bloomington Indiana

We care about our clients and our community.

Each year, we choose 3 deserving organizations to give a portion of our profit.  Then we ask our clients to choose their favorite. We compile results, set aside money, and deliver checks on Valentine’s Day. When we give back, we do it together.

Organizations that SHINE ON

  • Boys & Girls Club Bloomington: Empowers all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as caring, productive, and responsible citizens.
  • City of Bloomington Animal Shelter: Whether your puppy has lost its way or an animal needs a home, the City of Bloomington Animal Care and Control is here to help.
  • Riley Children’s Hospital: Offering comprehensive & specialized care in every field of pediatric medicine and surgery. Many patients can’t afford care, and Riley offsets the costs with donations.

We are grateful for the work these organizations do to take care of our fellow beings.

We thank YOU for your community efforts too!