Over a billion dollars of life insurance has gone unclaimed. Don’t let this happen to your family!

1. Give your insurance agent’s contact info to the people who will need it: family, attorney, loved ones.

2. Keep your policy where people can find it: fireproof safe (be sure they know the code), safe deposit box at your bank, scan and share with them, give them a copy of the policy

3. Read on for more tips, we’ve got a few simple, thoughtful resources for you.

We’re all going to die, sooner or later, and we don’t know when or how.
Make it tremendously easier for your family by getting everything in order now.
No reason to wait. It’s simple.

This is a favorite article that gives a great step-by-step overview of preparing for death as well as for deteriorating health. Lifehacker: One Day You’re Going to Die. Here’s How to Prepare for It. 

Before I go, you should know…

We personally use an INCREDIBLY HELPFUL handout called Before I Go You Should Know. It’s a great way to organize your intentions for your life and your passing. The guide is simple to follow. Then make sure your family knows where to find it. You can change it up any time you want.

Get yours at http://www.funerals.org/newsandblogsmenu/blogdailydirge/3001-beforeigo2013promo.

It’s $10, state specific, and worth every penny.

Check this out from the Wall Street Journal, it’s a great article about  – The 25 Documents You Need Before You Die 

The article includes this rad infographic…

Credit: The Wall Street Journal
Credit: The Wall Street Journal
If you want to take it to the next level, you may like if i die.org, which gives you a way to write notes that will only be delivered if you die.

The service is free, easy to use, and completely secure. Use this website to leave instructions for what to do with your pets and journals, to write letters to the people you care about, or for anything else you want. It’s not as morbid or scary as you think; it’s an easy way to be prepared just in case something totally unexpected happens.

What sort of notes can I write?

This is really up to you, but here are some ideas:

  • A letter to a friend– to say something personal.
  • Simple instructions– whether or not to read your journal, what to do with your cat, where your documents are kept.
  • Passwords– how to log into your computer, how to access your address book.
  • An informal will– so your next of kin knows what to do with your stuff.

Now – take action. Start with doing ONE THING in the next week, and keep going till you’ve got peace of mind.

Share your story about planning and getting things in order, it will inspire others to do the same.

With love and respect,

McKenzie + Jeremy

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