helping bulls

There are a lot of terms that could define entrepreneurship: Risky, busy, confusing, overwhelming, fun, inspiring, and on and on.

Starting and growing your own business is one of the most challenging adventures a person can go on. But there’s another word used a lot to describe owning a business and that’s lonely.
So many entrepreneurs describe moments of isolation. Maybe it’s physical isolation, especially early on but more often, the isolation is mental. The buck stops with you. And that means every idea, every decision ultimately falls on your lap. Your left to ponder not only the future but also the past. Maybe there’s an entrepreneur out there who’s got it all figured out but most of us, we’re obsessed about decisions, paths, and outcomes. Each tiny moment swirls inside our head. What’s right, what’s wrong, where should the money go and where did the money go.
At first we’re constantly sharing every thought and idea with friends and family. But one subtle cue after another teach us to stop talking about it all the time. These people love us but they don’t really understand. So we recess, into ourselves and, well, feel kind of lonely.
This is why smart business owners find people to talk with, to bounce ideas off of, that they trust to listen and more importantly, to provide a reflection from the real world of what’s actually going on.
Take this podcast, Scratch Entrepreneur. I think it’s cool, of course, or I wouldn’t do it. I obsess about it. How to structure interviews, music, hosting, microphones, everything. But to be honest, I’m not totally sure what’s good and what isn’t. It’s a lonely feeling to think you’re doing something great and at the same time have no idea. I clearly need to reach out and find a community of trusted advisors.
Today’s guest has built a business around solving this issue. He helps bulls thrive in china shops. He’ll explain that a little later on but the essence of David Quick’s business is to remove that isolation from the equation. To provide a coach, a mentor, a mirror reflecting the perspective from outside. As it turns out, he’s been playing that role since some kid asked him in middle school to help play a middle c. This interview is peppered with life lesson and advice on business ownership. David has seen it all, and he has an unusual ability to break life lessons into simple memorable anecdotes that will make you a better business owner and a better person. So strap in for the stories and advice of David Quick.
What were formative moments that made you who you are?

David was a great saxophone player as a kid. As he got into high school younger kids would ask him to teach them how to play. So he would. He learned at that point that teaching and coaching were things he loved.

So how did you end up at the highest levels of corporate America?

That road traveled through the Navy. David spent over a decade as a Naval officer and he attributes much of his adult foundation to that. When he finally left the Navy he really had no idea what to do. There was an opportunity wselling laboratory equipment, so he took it. The life lesson there was learn the lingo, look for a guide, and work hard.

As soon as David got planted in the laboratory sales world he started climbing ladders. He buzzed through companies like Miles Laboratories that became Bahr Laboratories. He mastered the sales process, took on leadership roles, and generally was always moving up to the next thing. Then he started getting hired to grow businesses.

Later in his career he landed at Roach Laboratories involved in innovative projects that essentially gave David to opportunity to spend company money to start businesses under the umbrella of Roach Diagnostics.
From there he dug into the venture

What are the core questions you ask new clients?
  • What does Thriving mean?
  • Who do you wanna be?
  • What do you wanna do?
  • What do you wanna have?

David’s experience with his coach finding the best way to thrive

You have the herd you deserve
Do you have the people in the right seats

What’s the foundation every business needs?

Vision – This is all about the picture that the founder has for the business. What does it mean to Thrive?
Core Values – Who are our model citizens? Who are the people we want to clone? What are the characteristics associated with that?Expectation – Are you the New England Patriots or the Cleveland Browns.
Engagement – How are the three above pieces integrated into everyday life?

Special thanks to David Quick for taking the time to share the Helping Bulls story with us

Mentioned in the episode:
Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati
• Miles Laboratories
• Bayer Laboratories
Wall Street Journal 
J&J Laboratories 
Roche Diagnostics
Culture Index 
New England Patriots 
Cleveland Browns
Chicago Cubs 
Theo Epstein 
Joe Madden 
Music by Mark Vinten

The show was produced and edited by me Jeremy Goodrich.
The music is by my high school buddy Mark Vinten. Every morning he would swing by and pick me up for school. Mark’s school taxi was one of my favorite vehicles ever a 1980 Volkswagon Vanagon poptop.

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Until the next time, We truly appreciate you listening.


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