When a big hail storm or tornado comes through your town, lots of people find out what kind of roof coverage they have after it’s too late to change.

What kind of coverage do you have?

If you can’t answer that question then it’s time to figure it out!

Homeowners Insurance: How Wind Hail Roof Coverage Works

Is your roof covered properly (or at all)? Wind Storms, Tornadoes, and Hail storms are incredibly common throughout the Mid-West. Different homeowners insurance policies can cover the damage they create in vastly different ways. We’ll explain the basics to you.

There are 3 possible options:

1. No Coverage at All

That’s right, there are homeowners insurance policies out there that specifically exclude wind or hail damage to your roof.

2. ACV (Actual Case Value)

A LOT of insurance policies have this coverage option for Wind & Hail damage to roofs. If you have this coverage it means you are likely to receive significantly less money from the insurance company than it will actually cost to replace your roof.

3. Replacement Cost

This is what you absolutely want to see on your policy. If you have this coverage, the insurance company will pay the total cost to replace your roof.

So go check out your insurance policy right now. What kind of coverage do you have?

Need help figuring it out?
Contact Us now and we’ll make it easy.