guide to a roof claim

Has your roof been damaged by wind or hail?

Insurance companies often have confusing rules about roof claims. So let’s walk through an example claim scenario, break down the process, and explain possible coverage options.

Roof Claims Explained: ACV vs Replacement Cost Coverage

Are you experiencing damage to your roof because of wind or hail? Homeowners insurance companies often have confusing rules about these kinds of claims so we created a video that walks you through the process. We’ll explain the possible coverage options and break down an example claim scenario.

Why do insurance companies have different rules for your roof?

More than 40% of all homeowner’s insurance claims involve wind damage or hail damage to the exterior of a home.  The vast majority of those claims involve the roof.

That means insurance companies are motivated to limit their risk with specific coverage options for your roof. So they’ve created a completely separate name for the kind of damage that usually happens to your roof >>>Wind/Hail Coverage

Here’s how a Wind/Hail Claim can work:


  1. You – Obviously
  2. Reputable Local Roofing Contractor – The people that fix your roof (read here about bad ones)
  3. Insurance Adjuster – The insurance company representative that makes decisions and cuts checks


  1. Get an estimate from a reputable, local roofer
  2. If damage exists and it’s more than your deductible – File an insurance claim
  3. Meet with Insurance Adjuster
  4. Get the first check from insurance (if coverage applies)
  5. Have the contractor fix the roof
  6. Get the second check from insurance (if you have Replacement Cost Coverage)
  7. Pay roofer


  1. None At All – Ugg!
  2. ACV Coverage – Pays less than the cost of replacement if your roof is older
  3. Replacement Cost Coverage – Pays the cost of replacing your roof minus your deductible


Being mean to the insurance adjuster – This person has a lot of power in the scenario.  Be Kind!


So that’s it!  Hopefully wind or hail won’t ever attack your roof.  But if they do, you’ll be prepared to deal with it.  Feel free to ask questions or share your roof stories in the comments section.


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