10. Independent Insurance Agents are entrepreneurs.

We get what it takes to run a business (and a family – which is a business all on its own), weigh the risks vs. rewards, get the info you need to make an informed decision and move on to the next 10 decisions you have to make.  That means we can really help your business SHINE.

9. We are the artists of the insurance world.

We get to be thoughtful and creative, not robots. We use our brains to help solve your problems.

8. We work with LOTS of insurance companies.

We do the shopping for you. You don’t have to call a bunch of companies and figure out how to compare it all – we are here to do the legwork for you.

7. You don’t have to pay us a dime.

What? Yeah. That’s right. We do not charge a fee for our services. So, unlike your attorney, your doctor and your accountant, you can call us without worrying about getting a bill for our conversation.

6. We get to know you. And you get to know us. And we actually KNOW each other – by name (not policy number).

We will share a beer with you. Or a coffee. Or bring you homemade cookies. Or send a hand written thank you note. Or ALL of that and a lot more. Because we like you. And you like us. It’s a mutual admiration society around here.


We have areas of expertise that other agents don’t. We are the BEST at protecting your family. We help your business shine like the brightest light in the room. We take excellent care of breweries & wineries. We are on speed dial with our contractor clients. Restaurants are totally our bag. We know the ins and outs of Work Comp…and we can even help you UNDERSTAND it all.


When you suffer a crisis, you call us. US. YOUR AGENTS. The people who know and care about you and your family.

3. We are SO MUCH MORE than Independent Insurance Agents

We are almost limitless resources for your life. We help you solve so many other problems than your protection.

2. We can keep a secret.

We know that you have secrets. We do too. So when we have these private conversations about your hopes and dreams, and your fears and flaws, you can trust that your deepest darkest will go no further.

1. We’ve got your back.

It kinda doesn’t matter what life throws at you – you have us! We are here listen, help you sort it out, and get on with your happy life.


What do YOU love about your Independent Insurance Agent? Please, share your thoughts in the comments. You’ll have our undying gratitude. And we’ll all SHINE ON.