Whitney Nicely Investment Property

Apparently, business success is incredibly easy to achieve.  For proof, just read one of the ten million ‘How to Succeed in Business’ books available out there.  They’ll tell you exactly what they’ve told every other hopeful entrepreneur– that all you need is confidence, persistence, and a magical system that some random guy with a crappy website will share with you for the low, low price of $2,000.

You see, everyone wants to tell entrepreneurs just how it all works.  Unfortunately, all they’re really telling you is what worked for them.  A successful business doesn’t just appear out of thin air or happen by accident. And you can’t use a generic, one-size-fits-all approach either.  Owning a business is much more personalized than that.  A successful entrepreneur comes up with great ideas and creates a system to develop them.  Then, they show up every day and put themselves in the right position.  Beyond that, all they need to be is the best possible version of who they already are.

Whitney Nicely’s Personalized Blueprint

And this is exactly what today’s guest has done throughout her career. Whitney Nicely is a real estate investor who’s used a personalized vision to succeed on her own terms. Many people think that investing in real estate is one of the best ways to make money in the world, but that doesn’t mean just anyone can do it. Real estate might be one of the safest places to invest your money, but true success requires intelligence and a careful strategy.

Whitney Nicely built her success from the ground up, parlaying an initial investment of $1,500 into her current 2.5 million dollar portfolio.  And while this doesn’t mean she’s dropping bags of money out of a helicopter, it does mean she’s making a respectable living by doing something that every one of our listeners could get started on today.

In this episode, Ms. Nicely will share her story and give you some great tips.

We’re glad you joined us.

Episode Guide

Today’s topics include:

  1. How Whitney got into Real Estate (4:20)
  2. Tips for beginners (10:15)
  3. Make 3 offers (12:10)
  4. Real Estate is like dating (15:00)
  5. Tips for seasoned investors (17:15)
  6. Whitney’s goals (18:50)
  7. Should you have an LLC? (22:18)
  8. Whitney’s inspiration for becoming a coach (25:00)
  9. Where does Whitney see herself in five years? (29:45)

Mentioned in the Episode:

Special thanks to Whitney Nicely for taking the time to share her investment property secrets with us.

Contributors to this episode include:

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