There are tons of ads about cheap and easy life insurance. The reality is that most policies have a whole set of questions you'll be asked and the answers can change the price dramatically.Jeremy and JC Matthews from Simply Insurance get you prepared by explaining ...

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You’re alive! And that means you can make sure your family doesn’t suffer (more than necessary) if something happens to you. But you have to take care of the following things NOW to make sure those left behind have a smooth transition. Plan for your ...

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Over a billion dollars of life insurance has gone unclaimed. Don’t let this happen to your family! Please read this: TELL YOUR FAMILY THAT YOU HAVE LIFE INSURANCE AND GIVE THEM THE DETAILS. 1. Give your insurance agent’s contact info to the people who will need ...

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While insurance can be complicated, when you break it down to the basics it’s really quite simple. Here are the 3 reasons why you dish out your hard earned cash to protect yourself. 1. Property The most common insurance claims have to do with your ...

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The good people at Monroe County Building Association asked us to share what insurance means to us.  Take a few minutes and listen to McKenzie and Jeremy share why working with Shine Insurance makes so much sense. Part One: Part Two:   Let ...

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Everything! Definition of SHINE  from our friends at Merriam-Webster Dictionary… 1 : to emit rays of light 2 : to be bright by reflection of light 3 a : to be eminent, conspicuous, or distinguished <shines in mathematics> b : to perform extremely well <when will stocks really shine again?> 4 : to have a bright glowing appearance <his ...

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10. Independent Insurance Agents are entrepreneurs. We get what it takes to run a business (and a family – which is a business all on its own), weigh the risks vs. rewards, get the info you need to make an informed decision and move on ...

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